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Spaying- Another name for this surgical process is ovariohysterectomy. It is a type of process in which female dog’s ovaries and uterus is removed under the general anesthesia.
Neutering- This is a medical surgery in which male dog’s testes are removed by the doctors under general anesthesia. During the surgery, incision is made on the front side of scrotum and then, from here testicles are removed.
This is a very minor surgical process and it is not at all painful for your pet.
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There are 3 major reasons why you should consider the process of spaying and neutering your pet-
Prevent Unplanned Offspring
There is a time in the year when female pets “heat” or enter into the breeding season. The female pets for example dogs usually undergo this change twice in a year. At the time of breeding season, it is quite obvious that her smell would attract many male animals. It is advised to all the pet owners, that task of breeding should be left upon the professionals as they know how to carry out this process in a planned manner.
Reduction of Certain Health Risks
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There are many health risks associated with unplanned mating of pets such as female dogs/ cats can suffer from severe uterus infection; mammary tumors and male pets can suffer from cancer or tumor in genitals.
Can Help to Control Pet’s Behavior
Once you have neutered your pet, this will eliminate various kinds of unwanted behaviors from your pets such as leg-lifting or mounting.
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Are you in search of low cost spay and neuter services? If yes, then get in touch with AskTheVet! AskTheVet is a reliable vet clinic that you can choose without giving a second thought! We can perform the complete procedure in a safe and well manner and also we boast a team of highly proficient veterinary surgeons, so you won’t have to fret regarding anything during your dog’s treatment.
Spaying or neutering will increase the life of your beloved pet and they will also feel happy and healthier. Every year millions of pets die because they have no shelter to live in. Spaying and neutering is an effective way that can stop the overpopulation of pets and deaths of adoptable animals. We are the best spay
and neuter veterinarian who charge low prices and also provide discounts on our various services. There are numerous clinics that one can choose from; however, what’s more imperative is to pick the best one who can give your pet the best care and comfortable surroundings that you expect! We are the one that can give your pet the good environment you desire, till now we have served many happy clients and we are expecting more in coming years.