The act of spaying or neutering may have many debates associated with it but the truth is that it is in actuality an act of kindness towards your cat and dog. Scientifically it is a process of sterilizing the pet wherein a part or whole of its reproductive organ is removed. The best time to spay the pet is just before the start of sexual maturity – that is before the female gets into estrus or heat or the male starts to mark out his territory – which in case of cats is usually when they are four months old and for dogs it is five months. With the availability of low cost spay and neuter, altering your favourite furry animal is no more an expensive affair. One just needs to be completely sure of the veterinary clinic or mobile vet services that offer such services before having their pets altered.

There are Numerous Benefits of Carrying Out Low Cost Spay and Neuter of Your Pets, Besides Being Affordable and Reasonably Priced.
1. By spaying and neutering your pets you are actually helping their species to have quality life by preventing thousands and thousands of baby animals to take birth that are born to unaltered females and are left to die on the streets. Here are some interesting numbers from PETA:-
a) One female dog and her female litter can give birth to about 67,000 puppies in a span of six years while a female cat and her brood can give birth to as many as 3,70,000 kittens in seven years! With only a minimal percentage of these being adopted and taken as pet by animal lovers, imagine the kind of life the others would have, in order to survive and many of them would in fact be abused or neglected by the human species.
2. Helps in Increasing the Life of Your Darling Pets
a) By low cost spay and neuter you can help the female species of pet animals lead a proper life – one that is not marked by discomfort or issues related to heat periods. This method also reduces, to a great extent, chances of life-threatening disease to occur in your pet – like uterine cancer, mammary cancer and even uterine infections.
b) In case of males, neutered cats and dogs have lesser chances of developing testicular and prostate cancer. Their natural tendency to roam about in the streets or in the neighbourhood to look for a female companion also reduces thereby reducing the chances of them getting hurt or involved in fights with other males. This is because when neutered, the sexual or breeding urgencies of the males are reduced and they are content to be at home.
c) Spayed or neutered animals have lesser risks of contracting other harmful and contagious diseases like feline AIDS and feline leukaemia that spread through body fluids.
3. When cats and dogs are spayed or neutered pet owners find that their pets do not indulge in any kind of objectionable behaviours. The Human Society of the United States in fact reports that 90% of the marking issues in your male cats and dogs can be resolved by having them neutered. These animals with decrease interest in breeding tend to be happy amongst the confines of their homes and thus are saved from harm’s way that would otherwise have existed with their roaming around in search of breeding opportunities. On the other hand, for your female pets being spayed means all issues related to heat periods like spotting, wailing and howling are automatically reduced.

4. This entire process works out to be low cost spay and neuter, especially if you compare it with the kind of money you would need to spend on your pets on veterinary care. Spaying and neutering is a one-time cost while if you let your pet unaltered you would be required bearing quite expensive veterinary treatments. Plus the authorities spend quite a considerable amount of money every year on taking care of strays dogs and cats in housing, feeding and veterinary care – all this expenses can be reduced substantially by going in for low cost spay and neuter.
Overpopulation of the pet animal species like cats and dogs are universal issues affecting most nations of the world. Governments, PETA and animal welfare organizations spend millions of rupees tackling this issue every year. In fact in many countries where spaying and neutering is a compulsory thing under the law, have been able to reduce the issue of over-population of these animal species thereby helping the authorities to provide quality facilities to the surviving ones. Some countries now have free or low cost spay and neuter solutions for cats and dogs that is helping in making the lives of many flurry animals easy and comfortable.