It is one of the most difficult decisions to say a final goodbye to your beloved pet. If your pet has been suffering from a long-term disease or has been injured for life in an accident, your vet might suggest euthanasia as the most humane option out there. The term “euthanasia” is of Greek origin and implies “good death.” Veterinary euthanasia at home is regarded as providing permission for the death of your pet by stopping medical procedures using a painless, humane method. In most of the domesticated animals, we refer to euthanasia as “putting down” or “putting to sleep.”
While euthanizing your pet might be a difficult decision, still, it is sometimes the best one with respect to your pet’s suffering. This decision is mostly taken with respect to helping an injured animal or an aged animal, or the one who might be suffering from some severe, incurable medical condition. For the best results, it is recommended to make use of reliable veterinary euthanasia at home services.

Some of the reasons why you might consider availing at-home veterinary euthanasia services are:
- Your dog might get anxious with car rides or going to the vet altogether. This might only increase the overall stress that your pet might already be in.
- You are living in an area that is not easily accessible to the vet’s clinic.
- You would like to spend more home-like moments with your pet during the last stages. You might as well wish to reassure yourself that you are highly comfortable with your ailing pet at home before your pet goes away.
While you might have several questions in mind before putting your pet to sleep, it is recommended to understand the process and be prepared properly to help your family find peace as the final time would come.
Preparation Tips
When you make the decision to put your pet to sleep, getting prepared for it is a vital step. When you have a pet, bidding goodbye to your beloved pet is going to be one of the most difficult decisions of your life. Therefore, you need to be well-prepared for the same.
Before starting with the process, it is recommended to consult the at-home vet in advance with respect to what you should expect during the procedure and the options that you have currently. It will also help you in getting a better understanding of what all should be done while performing the at-home euthanasia of your pet.
Pets are known to become more than just an animal in your family –they are more like your family member. One of the most challenging tasks of at-home pet euthanasia is breaking the sad news to the children at your house –children are known to be highly attached to pets at home. You should aim at breaking the news wisely such that your kids become aware of the fact that death is an inevitable part of life. As the euthanasia is being carried out, it is best recommended to not invite children to the site. However, you should allow the kids to bid their goodbyes to the beloved pets before the final stage.
Euthanizing Your Pet at Home
When you wish to euthanize your pet at home, it is become advised to consult the concerned vet with respect to the overall procedure. The vet will be able to guide you through the entire process with respect to the medications that will be used, what you can expect, and how the process will be executed.
Sleeping Pills: While this might not be a reliable method, it should be carried out by a licensed veterinarian in your area. Before considering this option, it is recommended to consult the vet properly. This is because dogs are known to throw up the sleeping pills. The last thing that you would want for your pet is to wake from a long slumber and to experience more pain in the end.
Sedatives: Sedatives for euthanizing your pet will help your dog or cat to remain relaxed. However, only a licensed, experienced vet will know about the type of sedatives to be used for euthanasia along with the right dosage to ensure that it will not hurt your pet.
Burial & Cremation Options
Burial: You might wish to bury your beloved in that backyard of your house. However, before doing so, it is advised to check with the local regulations to come across any restriction in the area.
Cremation: You can choose from the options of communal cremation or private cremation of your pet after euthanasia.
If your pet has been suffering for long, you might consider the option of at-home euthanasia for the best results. Consult with every member of your family before taking the decision.